September is my very favorite month. I like everything about it: its new beginnings, its weather, the light introducing fall, the one that makes everything more beautiful. Fernando and I got married in September: this 24th will be our 10 anniversary. So this September 2021, in New York, will be truly special.
It’s already starting to feel like the new season, and Fall in New York (just by saying it sounds good) is something unique. We were living here back in 2017 from September to November and I was eager to see this city again dressed in all possible shades of yellow, brown and red. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I can’t wait to take -and share with you- hundreds of them with my cell phone camera. But there’s no need to rush: there is still summer ahead and I’m determined to enjoy these few weeks left.

For example, with outdoor dining. In Spain we love to hang around in terraces, but I have to admit these New York ones are pretty cool. The city has been able to adapt to the pandemic times with very appealing terraces: lots of greenery, flowers and beautiful lighting that make New York even cooler than it is.

And we, of course, are delighted with it. On Sunday we had dinner at one of those in our neighborhood. I didn’t have to look at the menu, I was clear on what I wanted. When your favorite food is an hamburger, in New York you have both an advantage and a problem. The advantage is that anywhere you order one you know it’s going to be good. The problem is precisely that. And you know, bacon cheeseburgers, coupled with some cookies at the supermarket next door that we can’t -we won’t- stop buying and all the other (delicious) junk food, can end very badly. So for the first time in our lives we are putting in lots of hours at the gym. We have one in our building and we go together at the end of the day. When shared, gym is less suffered.

A month and a half living here and we are starting to feel at home. And hanging out with friends helps a lot. We are lucky to be meeting exceptional people that we believe will become good friends. Because when you live outside your country, friends may become family and make you feel at home.
What do you have for me, September. I can’t wait to make the most of you. And sharing it with you, who are reading me on the other side (I love having you here).
Thanks for being there. Next week, more ♥