I’ve always had November as that cursed month when good things ended and shorter and colder days arrived. Well, in New York I might be reconciled with it. We are in the middle of the month and I don’t know if these sunny days we’re having are normal, because I cannot contrast with other years. Apparently not: the New Yorkers I follow along (I’m hooked on discovering plans and places) say that the colors of this Fall are the best they’ve seen in years. Even the Daylight Saving Time ends later here than in Spain. How I love you, New York.

This week was the 50th anniversary of the New York Marathon and it’ll be a day I will always remember. Truth is, I didn’t have too many expectations, we had planned to see it but more for its fame. Until we woke up on Sunday and while having breakfast we started to hear the cheering in the streets, because the course passed near our house. And when we went down to see it, you should have seen me. Or rather, I’m glad you haven’t seen me. Because I love to get into the role, and if it was time to encourage the runners I sure did it. When a spaniard passed in front of us with the flag of my country tied as a cape you can imagine. As if it were the final of the World Cup.

After 4 months living here I finally went to the Met with two friends. What an incredible museum (and what an immense place, we only had time to see the Egyptian part). The collection of Egyptian art from the Paleolithic to the Roman invasion is really spectacular. Like the Prado museum in Spain, the Met is an inexhaustible place to return to many times. But if it’s well accompanied you know, you enjoy it twice as much.

Speaking of good company, look what a beautiful fall table some friends who invited us to lunch prepared. We are so lucky with the friends we have and the friends we are making in New York. And yes, I am well aware that it sounds cliché but really friends become family when you live far away from your country. Because to fully enjoy this city you need human warmth. And they make this city lack (almost) nothing.

It makes me very happy that you are accompanying me in my American adventure, thanks for being there. Next week, more ♥