There are three music genres that I like above the rest: classical music, electronic music (you didn’t see that coming, right?) and Jazz. I like jazz too much, in all its forms -smooth, acid, Latin, you name it-, so it seems I’m in the right place. If New York fall had a soundtrack it would pretty much sound like jazz. So many factors for not having been to a concert yet, so when I got an email from Queens Theatre announcing a concert based on the influence of musical theatre on Jazz, I decided that would be our first indoor plan here. Vaccination card required, (woe betide you if you are not vaccinated in New York, forget about getting in anywhere) that was so nice to hear live Cole Porter or Leonard Bernstein playings.

We knew Queens Theatre from a play we went to 4 years ago, so coming back with the perspective of these last years and settled here (something we didn’t imagine possible back then) was special. To see the streets of Queens again from those elevated trains that remind me so much of the tv shows that Fernando and I used to watch when we fantasized about living here.

Fall in New York goes on and I never want it to end. Me and I think everyone else: if there’s a common place that’d be how much everyone loves ‘Fall in New York’. Now there are two key dates that mark the calendar: Halloween first and Thanksgiving after (after which it seems that Christmas begins). Next week’s post will be of course Halloween based, for the moment we have a costume party tomorrow and we are already warming up (can you guess ours?). In my building they’ ve decided due to covid not to allow trick or treating door to door, so we will manage to distribute chocolates other way (or eat them, we’ll see).

I say goodbye with Jazz music in the background, something similar to what is playing in this week’s video. Thanks for being there. Next week, more ♥